Beauty...frumusetea dincolo de aparente
Fiecare poveste incepe cu A fost odata …Voltaire care spunea ca « Adevarata frumusete izvoraste din sublim si simplitate. « . Aceste vorbe au trecut peste ani si ani, generatii si generatii si nu si-au pierdut valoarea. Femeile… Ar fi atat de multe de spus despre ele…nici marii poeti, nici muzicieni renumiti, nici pictori nu le-au deslusit enigmele.
Femeia este gratie, muzica si bucurie.
Femeia adevarata se cunoaste, se iubeste, zambeste, radiaza. Sufletul ei este plin de iubire, ea stie ca este una cu natura si ca natura ei este iubirea.
Frumusetea inseamna a accepta ca in viata exista si lucruri mai putin frumoase. Frumusetea inseamna sa treci peste ele cu demnitate, fara sa te uratesti. Frumusetea inseamna sa-ti accepti defectele si sa le tolerezi pe ale altora. Frumusetea inseamna sa te ingrijesti de mintea si de trupul tau, in egala masura. Si, mai presus de orice, frumusetea inseamna bunatate, incredere in tine si in oameni. Niciun om care detine aceste calitati nu poate fi urat!
Frumusetea inseamna sa te simti bine in pielea ta, chiar daca poate nu arati perfect.
Cand rostesc cuvantul frumusete am un sentiment de fericire, de incredere...cand am incredere in mine ma simt frumoasa, naturala, radiez...parca as avea o pereche de aripi ce ma ajuta sa zbor...dar gandul ca atatea persoane in ziua de azi pun accentul pe frumusetea exterioara in loc sa priveasca dincolo de aceasta bariera ,sa admire increderea, intelepciunea, blandetea, taria de caracter imi lasa un gust putin amar. Frumusetea pentru mine inseamna simplitate si rafinament, iar sufletul daca e in armonie cu tine insuti e in armonie cu natura si tot ce te inconjoara! Sunt atatea lucruri pe care le ratam in viata, doar pentru ca ne lasam uneori condusi de aparente.
Nu exista o frumusete standard si nici nu poate sa existe. Nu exista femeie frumoasa sau urata, ci exista femei care sunt constiente de calitatile lor si pe care le subliniaza si femei care inca nu si-au descoperit si slefuit inca acele valori personale. Cu frumusetea fie te nasti, fie o dobandesti, insa indiferent din ce categorie faci parte, trebuie sa o intretii.
Tu esti constienta de calitatile pe care le ai? Te simti frumoasa, capabila, atragatoare, seducatoare?
Feminitatea este un dar, este extraordinar sa fii femeie !
Exploreaza-ti feminitatea , senzualitatea si manifesta-le asa cum sunt ele, nu dirijate de prejudetati!
Nu transmite mai departe miturile feminitatii, da-i propria definitie, nu dansa dupa cum canta altii, danseaza pe muzica sufletului tau !
Frumusetea personala este mult mai mare decat orice recomandare. Frumusetea este… cand te uiti in ochii unei femei si vezi frumusetea in inima ei. Pastreaza-ti increderea in toate lucrurile frumoase. In soarele ce a apus, in vara ce a trecut.
Viitorul apartine celor ce cred in frumusetea viselor lor.
Viata este frumusete – admir-o!
story begins with once upon a time….Voltaire said that “The true
beauty is inspired by simplicity and sublime.” .These words passed
over the years, over generations, but they kept their values.
can say a lot of things about them….but not even the great poets,
not even the musicians, not even the painters could elucidate their
is grace, music and joy.
true woman knows herself, loves herself, smiles. Her soul is full of
love, she knows that is the same with the nature and that her nature
is love.
means to know how to accept the fact that in life there are also
aspects that aren’t beautiful. Beauty means to pass through these
aspects with dignity, without making yourself ugly. Beauty means
to accept your defects and tolerate the ones from others. Beauty
means to take care of your mind and body, in equal parts. Despite all
of these, beauty means kindness, trusting yourself and the people. A
beautiful person with these qualities cannot be disliked by others.
beauty means to feel good in your skin, even if you are not perfect.
I say beauty I’m happy…when I have trust in myself I’m feeling
beautiful & natural…the feeling is like having a pair of wings
which helps me fly…but the thought that there are people today who
sees only the physical beauty without seeing trough the appearances
make me return to the Voltaire. Beauty for me is simplicity and
elegance. If the soul is in harmony with you then it is in harmony
with the nature. There are so many things that we miss in life, only
because we let ourselves lead by appearances.
standard beauty doesn’t exist. There is no beautiful women or ugly
women, there are only women who are aware about their qualities and
another category of women that haven’t discovered themselves and
aren’t aware about their qualities. With the beauty you are born
with it, even the one that you get in time, and either ways you have
bring out the real beauty from within.
you aware of your true qualities? Are you feeling beautiful and in
harmony with your soul?
is a gift; it’s extraordinary to be a woman!
your femininity and be yourself without any limits!
spread further the myths of femininity, give your own definition,
don’t dance after how others sing, dance on the music of your soul!
beauty is more than a recommendation. Beauty is…when you look into
a woman’s eyes and you see the beauty from her heart. Keep the
trust into all the beautiful things.
future is for the ones who believe in their dreams!
is beautiful – live every moment!
The Team :
Beautiful woman : Olivera Petcov
Makeup : Oana Vasilescu
Photo : Jaijeet Choudhary
Accesories : Demoazele Art
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