♥ Fairies ♥

Inca de cand eram mica sunt fascinata de lumea minunata a povestilor si in special de frumoasele zane. Chiar daca timpul a trecut si am crescut, imi place mereu sa retraiesc momentele copilarie a povestilor cu zane. De ce sa nu ne bucuram din cand in cand de lucrurile simple precum momentele care incep cu a fost odata ca niciodata...?

Imi place sa visez, sa-mi las gandurile si sentimentele sa zboare departe in lumea basmelor, sa simt mereu ca nu ma impiedica nimic sa fac ceea ce imi doresc.

De ce nu alegem sa traim intr-o lume mai frumoasa? Inca din copilarie suntem invatati sa facem diferenta dintre bine si rau, dintre calitati si defecte, dintre minciuna si adevar. De cele mai multe ori exemplele proveneau din povesti.

Fiecare dintre noi avea in copilarie un erou sau o printesa care ii placea.

Curaj, gratie, frumusete, compasiune si ambitie sunt cuvintele care definesc caraterul zanelor din poveste. Haideti pentru un moment sa contopim lumea zanelor cu a noastra! Ce spuneti?

Sa avem zi grozava de poveste!


Since I was a little girl I'm fascinated by the wonderfoul world of stories and especially by the lovelly fairies. Even the time passed, I always like to live those fairies moments from childhood. Why we don't enjoy once in a while by simple things like the stories that begin with Once upon the time...?

I like to dream, let my thoughts and feelings fly far away from here into fairies world, always feeling that nothing can stop me doing whatever I want.

Why we don't choose to live into a better world? Since the childhood period we are learning the difference between good and wrong, virtues and vices, truth and lies. So many times those examples were from the stories.

Every one of us had an hero or a princess that he loved.

Courage, grace, beauty, compassion and ambition are the words that wrap the character of fairies from the stories. Let's bring for a moment the fairies world into ours! What do you say?

Have an awesome day like in stories!

Models : Adina Sorodoc, Corina Ciupercea & Raluca Birau

Photo : Jai Photographic Artist

Makeup : Andra Ciupercea

Hairstyle : Carmen Ambrus

Dresses : Nifty by Josephine

Jewels : Demoazele Art


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